Content Mills
Part 4 of a multi-blog series on how many ways there are for writers of all stripes to make a living doing what they love. Check out #1 over at, and #3 right here.
Ehow, oDesk,, Demand Media, Constant Content, These are all sites that hire you to write a bunch of articles for 15 to 25 or so. I’m not linking to them because the pay is low…but it’s not work for free or “for exposure,” either. A lot of people poo-poo working for content mills, and they’re right that it’s not the best deal a writer can get.
But…it’s consistent work for writers still building up their resumes. If you’re fast, you can knock out two or three articles an hour. That’s $30 to $75 an hour working in your underwear from home. Continue reading