Domain Service Scam: An SEO Saga (Part Two)

Domain Service




Domain service doesn’t have to be a boondoggle, no matter what you might hear from the blokes at Domain Registry of America. Scams like theirs have been around for decades…and it’s our goal in this series to spread the word via strong SEO principals.

This week, we’ll be looking at how to use keywords — the basic building block of search engine optimization. Last week we did our research and identified “domain service” and “Domain Registry of America scam” as the keyword phrases most likely to achieve our goal of reaching the eyes of anybody the Domain Registry of America scam might try to deceive.

We do this by inserting our keyword phrases liberally throughout the blog post. This week, we’ll look at inserting it into our text. There are other places to put them, but we’ll deal with that in other posts about domain service scams. Places to insert your keywords include:

  • Your URL
  • The first paragraph of your text
  • All other paragraphs of your text

We’ll start, literally, at the top. Read the URL for this post. See how it includes the phrase “domain-service”? Your web address is one of the first places Google will look when searching, and one of the most powerful and important places to include a keyword. If I were doing this as a business, my URL might very well be or

In the text itself, you want to put your exact keyword phrase in the first paragraph — preferably the first sentence. This can sometimes get tricky, especially if your keyword phrase isn’t grammar-friendly. That’s why I opened the paragraph with keyword phrase I did, instead of trying to shoehorn “Domain Registry of America Scam” into the first sentence. If you’re using multiple keyword phrases, that first para should include all of them. This is just one reason why it’s best to focus on just one or two phrases at any given time.

Other paragraphs should get one instance per para. You can choose one instance of each keyword, if you think it will feel natural. Since our stated goal here is to stick it to the Domain Registry of America scam and help people choose a good domain service, I’ll go ahead and put them both in most paragraphs…it illustrates the point and you’ll forgive my being overly blatant.

Which brings up the most important point of modern SEO writing. It absolutely must feel natural. Google’s Penguin and Panda updates specifically target and penalize “keyword stuffing” and other ways of gaming the keyword system. Just write your best work, include keywords where they fit, and you’ll climb the search ranks quickly enough. That’s what we’ll do here, and how we’ll score a good position for the domain service keyword.

It can get hard to make those keyword phrases fit in every single paragraph. I mean, how many times can I say “the domain service Domain Registry of America scam” before readers get tired of hearing it. We’ll close with some hints for making it more palatable to write, and to read:

  • Feel free to split up phrases with punctuation and “invisible words”
  • Using synonyms and antonyms will still get Google’s attention. Even though that’s kind of hard with “domain service” as a keyword, it will work with other phrases
  • Write your rough draft without keywords, then insert them where they’re most natural
  • Ignore “keyword density” metrics. Those might have been important in earlier search eras, but are as likely as not to get you into trouble now. Just write naturally and well.
Next week, we’ll look at ways to give your keywords extra oomph. Meanwhile, any questions?


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